A beautiful Black Tick

A beautiful Black Tick

When creating documents, tables and presentations, I am often looking for a simple symbol to express a 'tick' as in 'this is okay' or 'this is supported'.

Especially the Microsoft Office applications (Word, PowerPoint, ...) do not seem to provide such a tick symbol in an easily accessible locations (I couldn't find it yet).

Luckily, there is openclipart.org, an amazing collection of public domain symbols, icons and other vector graphic images. There is a beautiful green tick available on this platform. I have modified this symbol to be in black color. You can download it below and use it to your heart's delight:


Any Size

Follow this link


And change the '?w=400' to the size you desire. For instance, '?w=200' for a 200px version.

Be sure to go to openclipart.org and leave a Flattr etc. for the creator of the green tick, Kliponius.