GWT Module XXX not found in project sources or resources.

GWT Module XXX not found in project sources or resources.


After adding a dependency to a GWT module, which is declared as Maven dependency, GWT Maven plugin does not compile correctly.

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] BUILD ERROR [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] GWT Module org.restlet.Restlet not found in project sources or resources. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


The solution in this case was rather simple. The module name was not correct (it was org.restlet.gwt.GWT).

However, other causes might be: - an old version of the GWT Maven plugin - in that case make sure to use the 1.3-SNAPSHOT or versions - the jar archive downloaded from the Maven repository might not include *.java sources. In this case a better version for this JAR must be found. The compileSourcesArtifacts might also help (Writing a GWT Library; Maven plugin documentation compileSourcesArtifacts)


Writing a GWT Library with Maven GWT plugin GWT Maven Plugin 2.1 (???) Maven plugin documentation compileSourcesArtifacts Post Maven and GWT can live together Configure Maven, GWT and eclipse Example how to set up GWT with Maven dependencies (Vaadin) JIRA Bug report for inherited modules not being compiled by GWT maven plugin Mojo class, which generates the error message Nabble message Another mail group discussion