Links of the Week (weekly)
- What storytelling does to our brains tags: writing stories storytelling psychology
- Doctest.js: the humane Javascript test framework Doctest uses a novel approach to testing: example and expected result. Each test is a chunk of code that prints out results and side effects, and then the expected result is matched against that to see if the test passed or failed. tags: javascript [unit testing]( testing) doctest testing [software quality]( quality) atdd
- Dagger: A Fast Dependency Injector for Android and Java tags: presentation video infoq java android [dependency injection]( injection)
- Dagger † A fast dependency injector for Android and Java. tags: [dependency injection]( injection) java android gwt
- My Kingdom for a Corpse - "My Kingdom for a Corpse" tags: writing funny history england
- Using Fashion to Make a Statement on Technology - "Using Fashion to Make a Statement on Technology" tags: cases [business cases]( cases) fashion technology creativity collaboration nytimes
- How Buildings Learn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "How Buildings Learn" tags: books architecture agility evolution
- 1. How Buildings Learn - Stewart Brand - 1 of 6 - “Flow” - YouTube tags: architecture buildings adatability agility
- Calling all startups - JAX needs you! tags: jax startup communication java
- Top JavaScript MVC Frameworks tags: javascript framework comparison mvc library technologies
- An Introduction toConcept Mapping forPlanning and Evaluation tags: [research methods]( methods) [social science]( science) [concept mapping]( mapping) research methodology
- From database to RESTful web service to HTML5 in 10 minutes Using NetBeans IDE 7.3, guest author and NetBeans team member Geertjan Wielenga shows us how to expose data from a database via a JAX-WS RESTful web service and how to consume the service in an HTML5 application tags: tutorial example [example app]( app) database persistence netbeans productivity
- Doppio: Java Meets Coffee in the Browser tags: presentation video coffeescript java jvm infoq
- Ken's Blog | Meteor.js/Derby.js (Node.js underneath) vs. Vert.x tags: comparison meteor derby derbjs vert.x JavaScript framework technologies