Appjangle: New Homepage (Again)

Appjangle: New Homepage (Again)

After I had recently completed a first version of interactive showcases for the Appjangle platform, it was now about time to give a little rework to the homepage. Arguably, it was a bit dull and, more importantly, not very informative – in particular in regards to giving an overview of what Appjangle is good for and what it does.

This is how the last version of the homepage looked like:

The redesign, accomplished in 350 min (yes, I am slow and I also love to measure time), focused on the following objectives:

  • Allow to understand what the Appjangle platform does.
  • Provide an overview of the benefits of the platform.
  • Give a clear indication of what a visitor can do next.

Well, this is how the new page looks like:

I believe that this new design meets the described objectives much better than the old version. However, there are still plenty of steps which stand between this version and 'perfect'.

Now, I am certainly not what I would call a naturally gifted graphics artist. However, I think it's often a diversion from my usual occupations of writing code and writing academically to move around some pixels. Also, it's nice to see a design develop over time. Actually I started working on this 'entry page' in November 2011 – at that time Appjangle was still called 'Nx Framework', and the Introduction was somewhat wordy: Nx Framework Introduction.

Anyway, next on my list are the sign up screen and the hosting options- when my thesis will grant me some time.

This post is also published on the Appjangle Blog.