Setting Up eclipse Luna with Maven for Android
As of August 2014, don't even try this.
Officially, the Google Eclipse plugin supports Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) at present. However, in order to be able to create projects which are both Maven projects and Android projects you will need to install the m2e-android plugin. This currently does not support eclipse Luna. Probably, if you create a new Android project based on the archetype suggested by the m2e-android plugin, you might get errors such as:
- …R cannot be resolved to a variable
- Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: (execution: default-generate-sources, phase: generate-sources)
- Project configurator "" is not available. To enable full functionality, install the project configurator and run Maven->Update Project Configuration.
- Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: (execution: default-proguard, phase: process-classes)

My recommendation is to use Android Studio.
You can easily add Maven dependencies to projects in Android Studio. Just locate the 'build.gradle' file in your application directory and add a compile dependency.