Setting Up Xtend with Maven and eclipse (Luna)

Setting Up Xtend with Maven and eclipse (Luna)

Xtend is currently my favourite alternative language for the JVM (closely followed by Kotlin). Unfortunately, I did not find a good guide of how to set up a Maven project within eclipse (Luna) which uses Xtend.

Specifically the following guide will allow you to allow you to write test cases in Xtend for your existing Java projects. A great way to get started with Xtend I suppose.

The following describes the necessary steps.

  • Install the Xtend plugin for eclipse as described here.
  • Add the xtend-maven-plugin to your pom.xml as follows:


  • Also add a dependency to the Xtend runtime libraries
  • Right click the project and select Maven / Update Project … and update the project.
  • Right clock the project and select Properties
  • Go to the Xtend / Compiler page
  • Set as the ouput director src/test/java
  • Go to the folder src/test/xtend. If the folder does not exist, create it.
  • Right clock the folder src/test/xtend and select Build Path / Use As Source Folder
  • Create a package in the new src/test/xtend folder and right click the package. Select New / Xtend class and define a class such as the following:

import org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.Test

class TestThatNumbersAreEqual {
    def void test() {
        Assert.assertTrue(3 == 3)
  • Immediately after you save the class a translated class should be created in the folder src/test/java

Now, have fun writing tests using Xtend's concise syntax – while not affecting any step of your build and development workflow!

To see an example configuration in a complete project, also check out async-map on GitHub.