Using RapidSSL Certificate from GoGetSSL for Java Server
IMPORTANT: I found it a lot easier and less error prone to use the GUI tool Portecle to go about generating a SSL certificate/key. You can find my instructions to do so in another post.
The following steps show how a RapidSSL certificate obtained through GoGetSSL can be used to secure a Java server.
Step 1: Purchase Certificate
Go to gogetssl and purchase a Standard RapidSSL certificate (should be around $5 / year).
Step 2: Create Keystore
keytool -keysize 2048 -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore server.keystore
When asked for 'What is your first and last name?' enter the domain of your server (can also be a subdomain).
Press ENTER when prompted for 'Enter key password for'
Step 3: Create CSR
keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file server.csr -keystore server.keystore
Open the file server.csr and copy its contents into the clipboard.
Step 4: Upload CSR to GoGetSSL
Login to GoGetSSL and select 'Manage SSL Certificates' / All.
Next to the certificate you have just purchased should be a [Generate] button. Click it.
Choose 'Order Type': 'New Order'
Choose 'Web Server Software': 'Jakart-Tomcat'
Paste the CSR you copied from server.csr.
Choose signature algorithm SHA2.
Click [Validate CSR]
Step 5: Perform Email Validation and Give Your Details
Specify an email address to which the validation email should be sent and click [Next Step].
Also give your details and confirm the RapidSSL terms and conditions.
Note: Now wait a few minutes until you get the email and confirm it when you got it.
Step 6: Import RapidSSL Certificates Into Keystore
You will receive an email with the certificate for the server and the intermediate certificate from RapidSSL.
You'll need to add both to your keystore.
First the intermediate certificate:
Get it from the email and paste it into a file 'intermediate.crt' and put it into the same folder as you keystore. Then run:
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias intermediate -file intermediate.crt -keystore server.keystore
You should get a message 'Certificate was added to keystore'
Then the server certificate:
Get it from the email and paste it into a file 'server.crt' and put it into the same folder as you keystore. Then run:
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias server -file server.crt -keystore server.keystore
You should again get a message 'Certificate was added to keystore'.
Now you can use server.keystore to secure your Java Webserver with SSL.