Cannot Install VirtualBox Guest Additions: Installer Hangs
For a CentOS based guest, the update of the VirtualBox Guest Additions hangs after the step: "Removing exiting VirtualBox non-DKMS kernel modules"

- Check the log file in /var/log/VBoxGuestAdditions-uninstall.log. See if there is anything obvious reported there you can fix.
- Check if your RAM disks are valid by running the command `sudo lsinitrd`.
- If they are not, try rebuilding broken images with `sudo dracut -f [broken-image].img [kernel version]`
- Verify you have all dependencies installed:
- yum install dkms
- yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
- yum install kernel-devel
- Reinstall your Kernel image
- List kernels `rpm -qa kernel`
- Reinstall kernel
- Verify that you have the correct version of kernel-devel installed
- yum remove kernel-devel
- yum install kernel-devel-`uname -r`
- Restart system!
- Wait!
- Let the installation run for a while, at least 15-20 min. It might do something!