Good Web Design: PayPal Developer Documentation

Good Web Design: PayPal Developer Documentation

I find that developer documentation is often not very pleasant to look at and, more importantly, often very difficult to navigate. I worked briefly with the PayPal REST API and, while I found that at times it can be confusing to deal with the numerous APIs PayPal offers, aesthetically their developer documentation is clear and effective.

What I Like

Clear Overall Design

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paypal developer documentation

Overall the documentation looks nice and clear. I like the fonts and colours used. The multi-level menu on the left fits in well and provides good means of navigation without feeling overwhelming.[/caption]

Good Instructions and Code Examples

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The subheadings are easy to spot and the step-by-step instructions weave code into them quite nicely. Code examples stand out due to the different background colour.[/caption]

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The footer for the page fits nicely into the overall design and gives access to a wide range of resources.[/caption]