Upload Elastic Beanstalk Application using Maven

Upload Elastic Beanstalk Application using Maven

AWS Elastic Beanstalk is well established service of the AWS cloud and can be used as a powerful platform to deploy applications in various languages. In this short tutorial, I will outline how to conveniently deploy a Tomcat application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk using the beanstalk-maven-plugin.

The following assumes that you already have a project which is configured to be deployed as WAR and provides a valid web.xml to start answering requests. If you are unsure of how to set this up, please have a look at the example project web-api-example-v2 (on GitHub).

Step 1: Create IAM User

  • Create a new user on IAM user AWS for programmatic access
  • For Permissions, select 'Attach existing policies directly' and add the following policy
  • Save the access key and secret key

Step 2: Add Server to Local Maven Configuration

  • Add the following declaration in the element in your $HOME/.m2/settings.xml and provide the access key and secret key for the the user you've just created

  <username>[aws access key]</username>
  <password>[aws secret key]</password>

Step 3: Add Beanstalk Maven Plugin

  • Test your security credentials and connection to AWS

mvn beanstalk:check-availability -Dbeanstalk.cnamePrefix=test-war

Step 4: Create S3 Bucket for Application

  • Create a new S3 bucket with a name of your choice (e.g. the name of your application)

Step 5: Update Plugin Configuration

  • Provide the following configuration for the beanstalk-maven-plugin

    <applicationName>[Provide your application name]</applicationName>
    <!-- Path of the deployed application: cnamePrefix.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com -->
    <solutionStack>64bit Amazon Linux 2015.03 v1.4.5 running Tomcat 8 Java 8</solutionStack>

    <!-- Bucket name here equal to artifactId - but this is not guaranteed      to be available, so therefore the bucket name is given statically -->
    <s3Bucket>[Provide your S3 bucket name]</s3Bucket>

Step 6: Deploy project

  • Run the following to upload the project to the S3 bucket:

mvn beanstalk:upload-source-bundle
  • If this succeeds, deploy the application

mvn beanstalk:upload-source-bundle beanstalk:create-application-version beanstalk:create-environment

Your application should now be deployed to Elastic Beanstalk. It will be available under


Where cname is the cname you have specified in step 5

Good To Know

  • To find out, which solution stacks are available (to define the solutionStack environment variable), simply run

mvn beanstalk:list-stacks
