Why Does AI Auto Relation Only Support 150 Pages in the Target Database?
This limit is based on current AI capabilities. Let me explain how!
One of the limitations of my Notion integration AI Auto Relation is that target databases are not allowed to have more than 150 pages.
In this post, I briefly explain why that is the case!
First a quick refresher on what a target database is. AI Auto Relation automates relation properties. The database that contains the relation property is called the source database and the databases that will provide the values for the relation property is called the target database.
AI Auto Relation will process all pages in the source database and determine which pages in the target database match with each page.

This task becomes a lot harder when there are many pages in the target database! Especially since we need to consider all target pages at the same time to determine which ones match best.
Current AI models struggle with this when a large number of pages need to be compared.
Thus, I have limited the maximum number of pages in the target database that will be considered to 150.
I have also limited the maximum number of pages that can be linked to any source database page to 10.
This is because AI works in a non-deterministic way (for those in the know, even with temperature set to 0 🥶) and if we allow a large number of pages to be matched, AI will arrive of different sets of matched pages in every run.
Thus we would descend into an infinite loop of checking the same pages over and over again.
While these hard limits are set at 150 pages and 10 pages of those matched respectively, I would recommend to keep target database sizes and target matches well below these to achieve accurate matching outcomes.
If your use-case requires larger target databases or more matches, please be welcome to reach out, and I will be happy to explore possible solutions together with you.