Immortal Like a Raindrop
Some random musings that, I hope, have some beauty in them.

A raindrop is formed in the clouds, then makes a short journey downward and finally splashes to the ground.
The raindrop is there, and then it isn't.
Yet the raindrop did not come from nothing and neither did it disappear into nothing.
It is formed as part of a complex interconnected system pulsing through and across our planet; making water course through ocean, mountains, rivers, and every single living thing.
The raindrop is always part of this system during its short life as a raindrop.
Thus, it is with our lives.
We are but a part of Nature; our human body and mind a short expression within the system not life; never separate from it.
Yet we believe ourselves to be separate and even above it. It is this folly which causes us much pain, which makes us the cause of much unnecessary suffering and destruction.
You are not immortal but you are part of the Immortal, the whole of existence the symphony of life.
There is no right and wrong way to go about this. You are always the Immortal.
You don't need to live a virtuous life to qualify for immortality.
However, gaining the insight that our life is but a short ripple in creation, can help us lead a life free of suffering.
A life where we are not afraid of death, but accept it.
Knowing our life has not been 'for nothing', but that we played our part.
We some have freedom and agency and we can influence the ripples that spring forth from our life.
This can be a great source of joy and contentment; even if it is not required to live our purpose.
Your deep purpose is simply to be.
To understand your purpose, you don't need to do anything or be any different than you already are, you can simply look deeply at existence, and you will understand.
If you feel blessed to be able to think, to see, to feel; you will feel love surging from your heart.
Why not add some beautiful drops of colour to the tapestry of existence, knowing full well you are always part of the Immortal and so is everything you do.