Floating on the Nile
To steer or to float, that is the question.

Our life is like a journey on a small boat on the misty river Nile.
We have an oar and if we seek to force our destiny we struggle greatly to paddle against the current.
At the end, the current will win against us and will dispatch us inevitably to the ocean of death.
A wiser way to go about our journey is to set a sail, and let the breeze carry us.
We have some control where we are going but the more we try to force going to a particular destination, the slower the going will be.
If instead we lean into the breeze, we will effortlessly travel further and get to experience more of the wonders, the world has on offer for us.
However, the ultimate way to be one with the world is to abandon our sail as well.
To just let ourselves drift with the current of the mighty river.
We can immerse ourselves in the power of its pull.
We can enjoy the breeze without the need to harness it.
We can listen to the sounds of our own inner being.
We can make peace with that there is no altering our final destination, to become one with the endless ocean, to become rain that will once again travel down the river.
To understand to never have seen anything else but a ripple on the tapestry of existence.