Make It Stick - Book Review
Review and summary of the book Make It Stick by Chip and Dan Heath
Review and summary of the book Make It Stick by Chip and Dan Heath
Anything You Want is a short book that contains the lessons learnt by Derek Sivers while developing the business CD Baby. It is meant for those interested in starting their own business. In the following I have collected some of the advice found in the book: On Starting a Business
How much of human behaviour is controlled by our genes, and how much is driven by our upbringing and higher thinking has long been a topic of much discussion. Christakis takes a bit of a different view of this problem by asking the question how much our societies are shaped
I've recently completed the book Why Does the World Exist?: An Existential Detective Story by Jim Holt. It was quite an entertaining read but also quite unsatisfactory, since I feel it didn't even come close to giving an answer to the question posed. At most, it