Revising Life Mastery Framework: Mastery of Attention
Does mastering attention make us better at living our lives?
Does mastering attention make us better at living our lives?
To change one's behaviour is not always easy - what can help is to start with some well-designed habits.
Argues that enlightenment is not attained absolutely. Instead it is achieved in steps, including plenty of backsliding.
Discusses the differences between deliberate ('big') and subconsious ('small') decisions.
I've recently been thinking about how to become better at dictation or to use speech to compose text. One important area of study that I came across in relation to this is rhetoric. Improving memory in turn is an important part of the discipline of rhetoric. In this
The Art of Learning is written by Josh Waitzkin, who was a multiple times national chess champion in the U.S. as well as later became an accomplished martial artists, winning the Tai Chi world championships. This I think is interesting background to consider since the author has demonstrated an
Positive psychology is a branch of psychology which focuses on what makes people happy and well. Gratitude has featured prominently in many studies in the field of positive psychology (see chapter Gratitude and the Science of Positive Psychology) since it has been shown that being grateful has many benefits for
It might be that our subconscious mind ears often in our urban and large-scale world. It might be that reason and traditional intelligence are the most useful devices to navigate this world. I'm reading ‘Thinking Fast and Slow’ from Kahneman at the moment and what I've
I found the following wonderful quote in Daniel Goleman's Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence via Brain Pickings: Amateurs are content at some point to let their efforts become bottom-up operations. After about fifty hours of training — whether in skiing or driving — people get to that “good-enough” performance