Upgrading to Yarn 4
My experiences upgrading from Yarn 3 to Yarn 4 in a large codebase.
My experiences upgrading from Yarn 3 to Yarn 4 in a large codebase.
I've written a couple of posts about how to set up JavaScript and TypeScript Monorepos over the past three years (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7), and I kind of thought I had it all figured out - but I didn't. It turned out that
As I've written in an earlier post, TypeScript project references and Yarn Workspaces are powerful tools for managing complex TypeScript projects. Yarn Workspaces manages dependencies between multiple JavaScript packages within one project, and contains tools that let us easily deduce which packages depend on which other packages in
Please find an updated and extended version of this post here: The Ultimate Guide to TypeScript Monorepos. Project references in TypeScript are an amazing feature for building complex TypeScript projects. They enable dividing a large project into smaller, indepedent modules and thereby improving code organisation as well as compile times;