Everything new in JavaScript since ES6

It is no secret that things in the tech world change rather rapidly. It's difficult to keep track of everything at the same time. For instance I have been working with JavaScript quite extensively some years ago but recently have been more involved with other tech stacks. Thus I have only followed the developments in the JavaScript world sporadically and was quite surprised by how many things have changed since the days of JavaScript: The Good Parts.
Since before ES6 things have not changed much for a long time, I imagine I am not the only one who could benefit from a little refresher of all the things that have changed since ES6. Thus I have compiled some of the changes I think are most important for ordinary development work. The idea is to provide a quick overview rather than explain every feature in detail - assuming that more information on any of the changes is readily available on the web.
This is not a complete list of everything that has changed. For instance, I included promises but omitted changes made to the way regular expressions work in ECMAScript 2018; since we are likely to come across promises many times per day whereas the changes to regular expressions only affect us in particular edge cases.
ECMAScript 6 / ECMAScript 2015
Variable Scoping
let x = 1;
: To define block scoped variables
Arrow Functions
x => x + 1
: Concise closure syntaxx => { return x + 1; }
: Concise closure syntaxthis
: within lambdas refers to enclosing object (rather than to lambda function itself)
Promises for wrapping asynchronous code.
let p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
p.then((msg) => console.log(msg));
Executing asynchronous operations in parallel
let parallelOperation = Promise.all([p1, p2]);
parallelOperation.then((data) => {
let [res1, res2] = data;
Default Parameters and Spread Operator
function (x = 1, y = 2)
: Default values for function parametersfunction (x, y, ...arr) {}
: Capturing all remaining arguments in array for variadic functionsvar newarr = [ 1, 2, ...oldarr]
: 'Spreading' of elements from an array as literal elementsmultiply(1, 2, ...arr)
: Spreading of elements from an array as individual function parameters
Multiline Strings and Templates
`My String⏎NewLine`
: Multi-line string literals`Hello ${person.name}`
: Intuitive string interpolationconst proc = sh`kill -9 ${pid}`;
: Tagged template literals for parsing custom languages. The example would result in calling the functionsh
with the parameters(['kill -9 '], pid)
Object Properties
let obj = { x, y }
: Property shorthand for defininglet object = { x: x, y: y }
obj = { func1 (x, y) { } }
: Methods allowed as object properties
Deconstructor Assignment
var [ x, y, z ] = list
: Deconstructing arrays into individual variables by assignment.var [ x=0, y=0 ]
: Default values for deconstructing arrays.function( [ x, y ] )
: Deconstructing arrays in function calls.var { x, y, z } = getPoint()
: Deconstructing objects into individual variables by assignment.var { name: name, address: { street: street }, age: age} = getData()
: Deconstructing objects into individual variables by assignment, including nested properties.var p = { x=0, y=0 }
: Default values for deconstructing objects.function( { x, y } )
: Deconstructing objects in function calls.
export function add(x,y) { return x + y; }
: Exporting functionsexport var universe = 42;
: Exporting variablesimport { add, universe } from 'lib/module';
: Importing functions and variablesimport * from 'lib/module'
: Wildcard importexport default (x, y) => x + y;
: Defining default exportimport add from 'lib/add'
: Importing default exportimport add, { universe } from 'lib/add'
: Importing default export and additional exportsexport * from 'lib/module';
: Reexporting from other modules
keyword for constructing simple classes.
class Point {
constructor(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
move(deltax, deltay) {
new Point(this.x + deltax, this.y + deltay);
keyword for extending classes:
class Car extends Vehicle {
constructor (name) {
keyword for static methods
class Math {
static add(x, y) {
return x + y;
and set
keywords for decorated property access.
class Rectangle {
get area() { return this.x * this.y }
new Rectangle(2, 2).area === 4;
Iteration Through Object Values
for (let value of arr) { }
: for ... of loop for going iterating through values of objects.- Also note that objects can define their own iterators and generators
Data Structures
new Set()
: For setsnew Map()
: For mapsnew WeakSet()
: For sets whose items will be garbage collected when requirednew WeakMap()
: For sets whose items will be garbage collected when required
: For creating an object with a unique identity.Symbol("note")
: For creating a unique object with a descriptor.- Note:
Symbol("node") !== Symbol("node")
ECMAScript 2016
: Exponentiation operatorArray.prototypes.includes
: Like indexOf but with true/false result and support for NaN
ECMAScript 2017
async/await for more expressive asynchronous operations
async function add1(x) {
return x + 1;
async function add2(x) {
let y = await add1(x);
return await add1(y);
ECMAScript 2018
Rest/Spread Operators for Object Properties
Collect all not deconstructed properties from an object in another object:
var person = { firstName: 'Paul', lastName: 'Hendricks', password: 'secret' };
var { password, ...sanitisedPerson } = person;
// sanitisedPerson = {firstName: "Paul", lastName: "Hendricks"}
Spread object properties
let details = { firstName: 'Paul', lastName: 'Hendricks' };
let user = { ...details, password: 'secret' };
Finally for Promises
callback is guaranteed to be executed if promise succeeds or fails.
async function sayHello() {
sayHello().then(() => console.log("success") )
.catch((e) => console.log(e))
.finally(() => console.log("runs always")
for await Loop
Special for loops that resolve promises before every iteration.
const promises = [
new Promise((resolve) => resolve(1)),
new Promise((resolve) => resolve(2)),
async function runAll() {
for await (p of promises) {
- ECMAScript 6 New Features
- Exploringjs.com: Tagged template literals
- Here are examples of everything new in ECMAScript 2016, 2017, and 2018
- Metaprogramming in ES6: Symbols and why they're awesome
Image credits: Flickr