Solving 'Error creating CloudFront Distribution: AccessDenied: Your account must be verified'

Solving 'Error creating CloudFront Distribution: AccessDenied: Your account must be verified'

As part of testing Goldstack templates I often create new AWS accounts and deploy a number or resources to them. Today I came across the following error while trying to stand up a CloudFront Distribution

 Error: error creating CloudFront Distribution: AccessDenied: Your account must be verified before you can add
new CloudFront resources. To verify your account, please contact AWS Support ( and include this error message.
ā”‚       status code: 403, request id: xxxx

While the error message does indicate that we should 'contact AWS Support', it took me a while to figure out where exactly to raise the required request.

Thus I thought the following steps could be a good reference for anyone else facing this issue:

  • Create a new Service Limit Increase Case
    • Limit Type: choose CloudFront Distributions
    • Distribution Id: leave empty
    • Limit: choose Web Distributions per Account
  • Wait for a few hours until your request is approved

I usually do not get this message when deploying a CloudFront distribution for the first time. So I assume my account may have been flagged because of something that I did. Interested to hear in which situations others encounter this error message.