esbuild CSS Modules Plugin for Server-Side Rendering

esbuild plugin for supporting CSS Modules in React Server-Side Rendering.

esbuild CSS Modules Plugin for Server-Side Rendering

CSS Modules provide a flexible and clean way to provide custom CSS for React components.

CSS modules require to dynamically generate CSS during build time. Tools such as postcss provide the tooling to accomplish this.

However, it can sometimes be difficult to configure the complete tool chain required for CSS generation and bundling for server-side rendering and hydration on the client. I found this quite challenging when developing my Serverless React SSR template.

I am using the esbuild JS bundling tool quite extensively and developed a small plugin that helps with generating the required files for CSS modules; specifically with:

  • Obtaining the compiled CSS (with generated class names)
  • Compiling JavaScript files that contain a mapping of original class names to generated class names.
  • Dynamically injecting compiled CSS (with generated class names) for local testing

The plugin is published on npm: esbuild-ssr-css-modules-plugin

You can install the plugin as follows:

npm i esbuild-ssr-css-modules-plugin

Then add it to your esbuild configuration:

import cssPlugin from 'esbuild-ssr-css-modules-plugin';

const res = await build({
  plugins: [cssPlugin()],

Importing the plugin as above will generate source files that can loaded by the server: replacing the .css source code with .js files that export an object mapping original to generated class names.

You will also want to capture the generated CSS of course, to ensure that is loaded on the client-side. For this, you can use the onCSSGenerated callback as follows.

import cssPlugin from 'esbuild-ssr-css-modules-plugin';

const generatedCss: string[] = [];
const res = await build({
  plugins: [
      onCSSGenerated: (css) => {

If you cannot or do not want to distribute the CSS file for the client separately and instead want to bundle JS and CSS together, you can use the option jsCSSInject:

import cssPlugin from 'esbuild-ssr-css-modules-plugin';

const res = await build({
  plugins: [
      jsCSSInject: true,

This will append a statement to your bundled JS that will inject a <style> tag to your page during run time. Note this is only recommended for local development.

If you are not interested in server-side rendering and only need CSS module support for the client-side, check out the plugin: esbuild-css-modules-plugin.